We believe educating a child is a true partnership between the school and family. Parent involvement at Eastern Suburbs Montessori happens in many ways: attending Parent Teacher Association meetings, attending Parent Information evenings, welcoming new families, supporting staff members, serving on the Trust, helping at working bees and cleaning bees, helping out with school trips and events, and many other varied voluntary duties.

For information about the day-to-day happenings at the school, please refer to the Events/News page of this site, or contact the office.


If your child is absent, please contact the school, prior to 9am, in one of the following ways:

1. Telephoning: our absentee line 09 575 7374 extension 5
2. Emailing: absences@glendowie.school.nz

Please provide the child’s name and room number, reason for absence and expected return.

The attendance register is called at 9am. For safety reasons, parents will be contacted if their child is not present and notification has not been received.

If your child is to be absent on leave for a period of time (e.g. a family trip), please contact the Principal. Request for regular release from attendance (e.g. for tuition outside the school) must be directed to the Principal for approval, as per Section 25b of the Education Act.

Kindo - online payment portal

Kindo is the online portal we use to pay for school trips and other payments.
You can access the website here: www.kindo.co.nz

Access more information about Kindo here: www.glendowie.school.nz/student-services/kindo-information-for-parents

Tuck Shop

View the Tuck Shop menu here: Tuck Shop Menu

Reporting to parents

Glendowie School reports to parents on their child’s progress and achievement in a variety of ways. Initially, at the beginning of the year, parents are invited to a Meet the Teacher evening to learn about general aspects of the classroom and introduce themselves to the teacher. Throughout the year, we have an open-door philosophy where individual appointments with teachers can be made anytime via the office.

Term 2: At the end of the term, a written report is sent home with the student. This is followed by a parent-teacher interview in the school hall.

Term 3: A student-led conference where students lead the conference by presenting work samples and book work and discussing their learning with their parents/caregivers.

Term 4: A written report is sent home via the student. National Standards for reading, writing and maths are reported once a year.

Important Dates:
Parent/Teacher interviews – End of June (book online mid-June at www.schoolinterviews.co.nz)

Student Led conferences – Details to follow.


Education Review Office:

Click here for a copy of the latest ERO report for Glendowie School.

It is also available online at www.ero.govt.nz or at the school office.


To apply for enrolment in Eastern Suburbs Montessori, please refer to both the enrolment process details on our Enrolment page, as well as the information about enrolment zoning on the Glendowie School website at: www.glendowie.school.nz/enrolment